The Training of Tawny
Jill Wylie often wrote of her tracker-dogs’ sundry
achievements, especially the tracking down of lost and trapped animals, and
many people asked how she managed to
train them in such apparently extraordinary ways. She would characteristically express
bafflement at the question, as if she had never thought about her method, or
regarded it as so instinctive and transparent it needed no explanation. However, she did eventually begin to write
something a bit more instructional than her usual stories, accounts, poems,
books and reports. The Training of Tawny
recounts in a sort of ‘biographical’ way how Jill went about training Tawny, a
little Labrador-cross, to trust her, integrate with the menagerie of Wildwoods
Sanctuary, and do the search work.
manuscript was never finished, but there is enough of it worth airing, which we
will do in several parts. In some ways,
there isn’t anything extraordinary
about Jill’s methods: as you’ll see, it all seems so obvious actually. What was extraordinary was the ends to which
she put that training – and because she had a purpose, and needed a woman-dog
team to achieve it, she did end up with astonishing successes. In the end, it is all founded on insight,
observation, empathy and a pure reverence for life itself. - Dan Wylie
She was an unsolicited gift from a distant friend. Her mother was said to have been a yellow
Labrador – more likely Golden Retriever – father unknown. I thought I could detect a touch of Collie,
more certainly Spaniel – in any case really just the sort of dog I would have
chosen myself. We already had two dogs:
Bay, an enormous Great Dane-Irish Wolfhound cross, and TellMe, a
Basenji-cross-Keeshond, but they were getting on in years and it was not a bad
time to take on a puppy.
Her new
home was Wildwoods Sanctuary, our wildlife, forest and conservation sanctuary
in the Vumba mountains of eastern Zimbabwe.
She was about to enter a rather busy household, which consisted of the
One husband
One 16-year
old son (Danny);
Two dogs:
TellMe, surrogate mother to countless puppies, kittens and fawns; and Bay, 125
pounds of loveable stupidity;
Five cats
(Bounce, 17 years old and very polite; Drum, Siamese-coloured “tom-tom”; Fable,
stocky Russian Blue with a crushed zig-zag of a tail; Yes-I-Am, Siamese orphan
from the forest; Jungle, beautiful bottle-reared “show-tabby”; and Fleur,
black-and-white long-hair, once paralyzed but moving well if shyly now;
One genet,
Whipaway, an orphan in process of rehabilitating into the forest but still
paying regular visits;
One duiker,
Hillbilly, another orphan now free but regularly returning to share the
One small
flock of bantams, including When, fierce 8-year old mamma hen.
Into this menagerie tumbled 6-week-old Tawny – so named for
the shaded gold of her coat – weary and
confused after her long journey, but undismayed by the number and variety of her
sudden companions. There would be a
great deal to learn.
She ran immediately to big Bay;
maybe she looked something like her Labrador mother, magnified several times.
Young Bay, who had never seen a puppy before, was wonderfully and unexpectedly
gentle. She knocked her softly flat with her exploring nose, tried her best not
to tread on her with her huge paws and took great care not to sit on her. She never cared who else she sat on.
TellMe took time to look over the
new arrival, accepted her and immediately demanded that she behave herself in
her presence.
That night I put Tawny’s basket
on the floor by my bed, settled her on her blanket with a hot-water bottle
under it, to provide a warm and rounded bulk like a companion pup. When she woke in the night whimpering for her
mother and the security of her siblings, I could drop my hand down to her and
she would know she was not alone.
By dawn she was rested but
naturally still confused. I gave her a
drink of warm milk and took her out immediately onto the lawn to relieve
herself. I called her, Tawny Tawny Tawny – the first lesson she
needed to learn. When Jack had gone to
work and Danny to school, I sat on the lawn again, took the puppy onto my lap
and called her name over and over, in soft excited tones until she was happily
dancing on my lap, loving this new game.
During the day I called her many times in the same soft tones, whenever
there was something to show her or give her, and by evening she knew that this
special sound meant her – and so did
Bay and TellMe, who, when they heard that name, would instantly look around for
her. She was uncertain, though, when Jack
and Danny returned in the late afternoon and called her in their voices. It would take
a day or two to realise the word ‘Tawny’, in any voice or tone, was meant for
Jill, Bay and Tawny |
After that first playful lesson on the lawn I lay back and
nestled her into my armpit, stroked and crooned to her and felt the tension run
out of her. There, with her head on my
shoulder and her face next to mine, she gave me her trust, totally and
unconditionally. There is something
about that position that seems to reassure frightened and insecure
puppies. I have used it many times. It’s akin to when a small, troubled child
puts their little hand in yours and you feel that awesome trust flow into your
very soul.
Starting out
I like to start training a puppy when she is six weeks
old. This may seem very young. I once thought so, too – until our Basenjis
had pups.
allowed to develop as they should, are as close to nature as are cats. In fact they display many feline
characteristics. When their puppies were six weeks old our two took them out
and taught them – to mind from
underfoot, to come, to wait, to keep quiet, to track, to observe, to obey. It
is quite amazing how much a healthy, inquisitive puppy can learn at that early
age. Reliability, of course, comes only after practice, maturity and
To start
training such a tiny puppy without confusing her or inducing negativism, I need
to have a clear plan of what I am going to ask of her as an adult dog as well
as at each stage of her development, and the vocabulary I will use. I need to
know something of dog psychology and the origins of her instinctive
behaviour. I must be prepared to ‘think
dog’ as often as I ‘think human’. To realise her potential and her limitations,
I must be able to accurately read her expressions and her body talk. And I must
train as a parent. Later, when I want
serious work from her, I gradually become something of a pack leader, as well
as something of a big sister. If at the
same time I allow her to become something of a human, as she readily will if
she trusts me, we will have a great thing going between us.
The main
thing at this very early stage is that one is hardly ‘training’ so much as
reinforcing what is already coming naturally to the puppy, saying ‘Come’ when
she is already coming, ‘Sit’ when she is already in the act on her own, and
using the enthusiasm of her own curiosity more than anything else.
I have read
many manuals on dog training. The methods used for basic obedience are
generally the same, while the approach to more advanced work varies
considerably. Some are rather insipid
and shallow, many too unsympathetic and over-regimented for my liking. Most are set for proper school conditions and
many lessons call for the aid of an assistant.
Which I didn’t have. And would
never have in the real-life search situation in the bush. I had to work rather differently.